Hover background 59 фото
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To change the background color when hovering with CSS, you can use the :hover psuedo-class selector. This example will change the background color of an element from #0001 to #000F when it is hovered. For more information on psuedo-classes and hover effects, you can read here.
The easiest one could be utilizing :hover and :not(:hover) selectors, which will blur everything when you hover your mouse inside of the parent container <div class=col s2 m2 2> , in your case, but the child element that is being hovered ( <div class=card large> in your case) will remain non-blurred.
To control the background color of an element on hover, add the hover: prefix to any existing background color utility. For example, use hover:bg-red-700 to apply the bg-red-700 utility on hover.
To resize a background hover on a text using CSS, you can use the ::before or ::after pseudo-elements to create a background rectangle and then use CSS transitions to animate its size when hovered over.
Change your desktop background image
- Select Start > Settings > Personalization > Background.
- In the list next to Personalize your background, select Picture, Solid color, Slideshow, or Windows Spotlight (to see a new image from around the world every day).